An American Sniper’s Blitz & Blessing | Facing Your Blitz Weekly Video Devotion


“Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4

Time Out:

Does your lens on life only allow you to see your misfortune and pain when things go bad for you? Do you get claustrophobic and stuck in a closet of your own emotions and situation?

It seems so unnatural and difficult, but the reality is that if you look around and consider that people all around you are also facing troubles, you’ve begun the process of recovery. Actually reaching out to other hurting people to comfort and encourage them is your best path to recovery and thriving.

If in your darkest times you light a lamp for someone else, it will also be a light for your path.

Go Deep:

When you are in a blitz or tough time (as well as when things are smooth), make a list of what you can be grateful for, and a list of people you should reach out to comfort or encourage. (Don’t overlook people in your own home!)

Send a card, text or email. Call or visit them. Simply say you are thinking about and praying for them.

Call or visit a sick friend. Visit a home for the elderly. Take flowers, cards or sparkling fruit juice to a veteran’s hospital.

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