Crazy Glue and You | Facing Your Blitz Weekly Video Devotion

Is there more friction than flow in your marriage? I’ve been there. It will take more than crazy glue to mend differences. Maybe this week’s devotion will help.

Game Plan:

“Think about how all this [difference] makes you more significant, not less. A body isn’t just a single part blown up into something huge. It’s all the different-but-similar parts arranged and functioning together. If Foot said, “I’m not elegant like Hand, embellished with rings; I guess I don’t belong to this body,” would that make it so? If Ear said, “I’m not beautiful like Eye, limpid and expressive; I don’t deserve a place on the head,” would you want to remove it from the body? If the body was all eye, how could it hear? If all ear, how could it smell? As it is, we see that God has carefully placed each part of the body right where he wanted it.” I Corinthians 12:14-18, MSG

“He [God] makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love” Ephesians 4:16, NLT

“In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in God’s gift of new life. Treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered.” I Peter 3:7, NLT

Time Out:

Have you been struggling with how different you and your spouse are?

Apply the analogy of sports to marriage. You both have different skills, personalities and roles…and you only win when you support each other.

Is it time to fully accept that God made you different and God gave your spouse to you?

Have you been struggling in dealing with the differences between you and your spouse? Get in line. Differences are natural. Handling them requires the supernatural.

Go Deep:

Validate your spouse for their gifts and different style.

Thank your spouse for how they help and complement you.

Apologize for chafing at their differences and not being sensitive to them.

Adapt to help your teammate thrive. Helping your team helps you.

Assure your kids…tell them you’re different on purpose and you’re glued for life.

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