Scripture, Jesus, Friendship with Jesus

Why Men Need Friendship With Jesus

The Bible tells us the many ways God relates to us. Some emphasize God as a Creator, others as a protector or a heavenly Father. God also wants to be your friend. Men need friendship with Jesus in order to become the men, fathers and husbands He created them to be.


First, I want to paint to paint a picture of a friend. It might seem a little silly, but the Merriam-Webster definition feels a little flat to me. It calls a friend “a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection.”


Sure, that might be some “friends,” but it doesn’t get to the heart of what I’m talking about, or what God wants. I’m talking about a true friend. Someone you can be yourself around, someone who’s always there for you, someone who you share everything with as you go through life together. 


3 Reasons Why You Need Friendship with Jesus

1. God desires friendship with you.

How much does God want a friendship with you? He did the unthinkable to make it happen. He sent his son Jesus to earth as a man who sacrificed His life to restore humanity’s personal relationship with God—no longer needing a sacrifice or priest to speak on our behalf. We please God when we do what He desires and pursue a friendship with Jesus. 


2. Friendship with Jesus creates accountability.

A great friend will help you raise your standard of manhood by telling when you’re out of line and supporting you to become a better person. It’s the same for friends of Jesus. In John 15:4, Jesus tells his disciples, “You are my friends if you do what I command you.” To be a true friend of Jesus, we have to raise our game and follow the example He set—and apologize when we don’t meet it. When we do, Jesus is there to forgive, instruct and support. Think of Peter. Even after he forsook Jesus three times, he was reconciled with Him and was “the rock” Jesus built the church on. 


3. Friendship with Jesus adds SO much to our lives.

It’s impossible to overstate its effects. Jesus is the perfect friend, providing love, comfort, assurances and encouragement. He treats us like a friend by teaching and showing us things about spiritual life. In John 15:15, He says, “I do not call you servants any longer, because the servant does not know what the master is doing; but I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father.” When you are friends with Jesus, your earthly ambitions fall away. You’ll start to feel secure and at peace, while Jesus shows you how to use your talents and abilities to further His Kingdom. 


How to Build Friendship With Jesus

  • Spend time with Jesus one-on-one. Just like the best friendships, you need to have time with together to build a personal, intimate friendship. Set aside time every day to speak and, importantly, listen to Jesus.
  • Study His Word. Read the Bible so you know what Jesus expects of us, so you can obey Him. 
  • Spend time with Jesus with your friends. Invite Jesus to spend time with you and your close friends. Let Him bring you closer than ever before as you follow His perfect example. Not sure how to start? Download the Playbook For Level 5 Friendship.