Honor Your Father-Period | Facing Your Blitz Weekly Video Devotion

Our fathers impact us in huge ways. Is it possible that one of the few forces more impactful than how your father treated you is how you treat your father? Revisit an ancient commandment and think about it.

Game Plan:

“Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God commanded you, that your days may be long, and that it may go well with you in the land that the LORD your God is giving you.” Deuteronomy 5:16, ESV

Time Out:

Do you have some lingering frustrations with your dad? Resentments or anger? Are there things you never thanked him for? Did you and do you honor his position? Is it possible that “honor your father” is an unconditional maxim much like Jesus loving us selfish, prideful, rebellious knuckleheads is also unconditional? Have you ever realized that we should do what God instructs because, regardless of how it feels, it’s best for us?

Go Deep:

You have a perfect Father. His love, forgiveness and belief in you has made up for any shortcoming in your earthly father. You are free to honor your father and you are blessed in God’s unique ways if you do so. Thank your dad. Forgive your dad. Apologize to your dad. Praise your dad. Vocalize it and live it.

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