Would I Want to be Married to Me? | Facing Your Blitz Weekly Video Devotion


When it comes to your marriage (or your approach to relationships and dating), are you a casual consumer or a committed investor? Are you focused on yourself and what you deserve and want, or are you focused on the other person’s needs and wishes?

—Facing the Blitz, Strategy #3: Reach out to Others


The Playbook:

Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too. You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. (Philippians 2:3-5, NLT)


Time Out:

  1. Does my selfish consuming attitude work our very well for me?  Am I causing a better or worse response in my spouse, kids or associates at work?
  2. What can I practically do daily to tap into the attitude and investor actions of Jesus?


Go Deep:

Want to know if you lean more towards an investor or consumer mindset? Check out the Marriage Consumer Quiz in chapter 9, “Strengthen Your Marriage,” of Facing the Blitz.

Reach out to at least one person today by investing in their needs.

Pass it on.

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