10 Questions that Foster Spiritual Growth

Deep down, every guy who follows Jesus wants to have meaningful conversations with their friends that bring up the spiritual aspects of our lives. But it can be hard to work past some of the defenses we put up as men. We don’t want to appear vulnerable or that we don’t know something. Over the years of helping guys strengthen their relationship with God, I’ve found that spiritual questions can also be practical and straightforward. These are the best entries into deep conversations that inspire real reflection and catalyze spiritual growth.

Before I get into specific spiritual questions to ask a guy, I want to note that the best ones are open-ended, meaning you’re not expecting a certain answer. They can take it anywhere they like, which helps you get to know them and their spiritual journeys.

10 Questions Spiritual Growth

1. Who is the first person who told you about God?

This is a great question to start with because it gets the ball rolling with a question that’s easy to answer, like “Mom,” “Dad,” or “my school friend.” But it’s something that many people don’t think of too often. It can also be helpful for someone with father wounds to start to detach his mom or dad’s version of God from who He really is. 

2. What does your spiritual journey look like?

Everyone has a unique journey to God. Each guy’s story gives you the context for his spiritual growth, whether it touches on childhood experiences, rock bottoms or other pivotal moments that made them reach out to God. It’s also a great chance to learn from his struggles, triumphs and the lessons he’s had along the way.

3. Do you think God has revealed your calling to you yet?

This is a great way to get guys thinking about God’s will for their life, as well as our greater sense of purpose. Plus, it allows you to learn about their passions, goals and dreams, giving you the opportunity to give them insight into ways they can use them to glorify God. We learn these things through asking questions for spiritual growth.

4. Is there anything you feel is blocking your spiritual growth?

Dealing with an apparent obstacle in someone’s spiritual journey can lead to the most transformational experiences. It could be something the guy wants to get off his chest or something that’s confusing him. Whatever it is, talking it out can help everyone in the conversation find new ways to grow spiritually.

5. What do you do consistently that helps you stay close to God?

Habits are the unsung heroes of a spiritual journey. Whether it’s prayer, scripture, worship, or little reminders, sharing these practices can inspire all parties to maintain their discipline and improve their spiritual growth.

6. How are you growing spiritually in your work or daily life?

It can be hard to conceptualize our spiritual growth in our everyday lives. This is a great invitation to see every aspect of life as an opportunity to get closer to God. 

7. Do you feel the presence of God in your life?

Feeling God’s presence is a profound experience. This question can help a guy gauge his awareness of God’s closeness or remind him of moments when he’s felt particularly connected to God, which can help him keep going faithfully if He hasn’t felt God’s presence lately. 

8. What is your prayer life like?

God wants us to communicate with Him as openly and often as possible. Whether the guy you’re talking to has a prayer routine or more spontaneous conversations with God, understanding his approach can deepen the conversation about connecting with God.

9. How do you think God feels about you?

It’s an important reminder of how God really feels about us, as well as His grace and forgiveness. It can be a powerful moment to affirm God’s unconditional love and challenge any misconceptions he might hold.

10. Why do you think that is?

This can be a compelling way to follow up on any one of the questions above, inviting guys to dig into what they really think. It encourages deeper reflection and can help us put things together we’ve never realized before. This can lead to healing conversations and a more profound understanding of our relationship with God.

These questions for spiritual growth provide a framework for exploring faith in a way that’s both insightful and supportive. By creating an open and honest dialogue, we can help each other grow closer to God and strengthen our spiritual journeys. Don’t shy away from these conversations. They have the power to transform lives and deepen your connection with your friends!


Ready to have these meaningful conversations? Download the Playbook for Level 5 Friendship now.