man looking for purpose; knowing God's Will

How to Know God’s Will for Your Life—Follow These 5 Steps

When I was a senior in college, I thought I had it all figured out. I was the starting quarterback, I was popular, and I had a good chance of making an NFL team. In the weeks before graduating, I was partying and drinking. I became aware that I was lost and didn’t know God’s will yet. I didn’t even know how to know God’s will for your life. But God did. 

5 Steps: How to Know God’s Will for Your Life

1. Surrender to God’s Plan.

All my life, I had been focused on my own success because I thought it determined my worth. If I made it into the league, then I would be successful. But I heard God telling me He had a better plan for my life. In an effort to grow spiritually, I surrendered and made a commitment to follow His direction.


2. Deepen Your Relationship with God.

After you hear God’s call and surrender to Him, you have to know Him before you can learn how to know God’s will for your life. Many have to unlearn the things people tell them about God that are clouding their understanding of Him. Like any true friendship, you have to spend time with them to truly know who they are. And once you get to know God, you understand that this is your purpose, ultimately, and all the ambitions you dreamed up don’t have any effect on who you are as God’s son. Realizing this makes it possible to learn how to know God’s will for your life. 


3. Listen to God’s direction.

As you begin to know God, you are able to hear His voice. Give yourself time every day to ask God what His will is for your life. Sometimes, it will come to you clearly. Other times, it will come from wise and pertinent advice from a friend. Stay open and vigilant to receive God’s call for your life.


4. Use your God-given strengths and talents for Him.

Don’t be surprised if the calling that God has laid out for your life doesn’t match others. He doesn’t call everyone to be pastors or missionaries. Usually, God finds a way to use your strengths for His will. Think about what you’re good at and look for how you can apply it to serve others, serve a need in your community or furthering the Kingdom of God.


5. Trust in God and His timing.

Do you ever feel like you are just banging your head against the wall, waiting for a breakthrough on how to know God’s will for your life? Remember His assurances for you. In Jeremiah 29:11, he says, “For I know the plans I have for you…plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” I also recommend keeping a journal. Sometimes, you’ll realize that God has been showing you His will for your life in ways that you hadn’t understood until looking back. 

Seek God

I’ve found that having a close group of guys who all follow Jesus and are committed to getting close to Him together is so important in learning how to know God’s will for your life. I’ve received countless insights that helped me know where my strengths fit in God’s plan while helping others do the same.


Download the Playbook For Level 5 Friendship to invite 2-3 friends into deeper friendship and seek God’s Will for each of your lives.