spiritual growth, Jeff Kemp Team

Spiritual Growth and Its Seasons of Transformation

God asks every man to go on an epic journey with him. It’s a beautiful and difficult one, filled with obstacles that demand spiritual growth to overcome. Deep down, most people know they were meant to take such a journey. 74% of U.S. adults say they want to grow spiritually, according to a recent Barna survey. 


So, What is Spiritual Growth?

It’s the process of making yourself more like Jesus—turning away from what you want and being how Jesus was and wants you to be. 

Like any great adventure, spirits are high at the outset. Then we slip up. We get stuck. You might have good days, followed by bad ones. You think, “How do I know if I’m growing spiritually at all?” 

You’re not alone. Thousands of men have told me they feel the same way. I’ve also witnessed the way spiritual transformation takes place. Not only in my own life but in the lives of mentors and the men I’ve talked to about spiritual growth. 

I’ve found that we often can’t see spiritual growth until we’ve traveled long enough to understand our story and the spiritual seasons in it. 


4 Seasons of Spiritual Growth

My friend and mentor Robert Lewis has coached countless men to help them understand the seasons of growing spiritually. Metaphorically speaking, it starts in the winter of a man’s life.


1. Struggle

This is when we try things on our own, wrestle with insecurities, and try to position ourselves to win and feel good. We slip, slide, and crash. We can’t see the sun. It’s a hard season but very important.  If we move past it, it’s only because we’ve humbled ourselves. Plus, we’ve made ourselves vulnerable enough to talk about it, so we can later bond with others and positively impact them. Because we all struggle. 


2. Surrender

When we surrender our life, and take Jesus as our purpose, we move out of the bitter winter of Struggle and into the refreshing spring of Surrender. It’s often a time of rejuvenation, of seeing ourselves and our purpose with clarity. The ego-driven self-image fades away and you receive your identity as God’s son. 

Instead of thinking we have it all figured out, we turn to Jesus and mentors. We discover grace and follow God, receiving His unconditional love and guidance.


3. Significance

Then comes Significance. God has led us to our unique mission in relation to His purpose. We learn that spiritual growth is not a solo act. Our talents, passions, and story are repurposed to benefit the lives of others. We start making our part of the world better. Like an abundant summer, he produces good character in us and good fruit in our lives. 

“I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5). 

Unlike the un-productive Struggle, our efforts bring growth and goodness with God. He has transformed us into men who live for others.


4. Satisfaction & Sharing

Our spiritual growth is never finished. But in the season of Satisfaction and Sharing, we are mature, grateful, and focused on others. God has rewritten our worst chapters. Now, it’s time to share our story to raise a new generation. This is mentoring and giving back. Like a perfect fall season, we gratefully share a full harvest with family, those in need, and tomorrow’s leaders. 

Try to take a step back and understand how God is leading you on a path of transformation and spiritual growth. What season are you in? Are you able to better understand how you are growing spiritually? 


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