Want to make your kids giggle or blush…in a good way.

Game Plan: 

“So, if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others” Philippians 2:1-4, ESV

Time Out:

Looking to meet the best interests of our spouse and children includes showing affection and tenderness.

God’s word honors affection, sympathy, comfort, encouragement and physical expression. Imagine how Jesus smiled, hugged and embraced people. I’m betting there will be a lot of affection in heaven.

Does your personality, upbringing or laziness stop you from looking out for the interests of your spouse and kids by demonstrating your affection, gratitude and love?

Do your kids hear you say, “I love you”, to your spouse? And do they get to see hugs, kisses and embrace.

Looking to meet the best interests of our spouse and children includes showing affection and tenderness.

Go Deep:

Talk to God this week about how you can show gratitude and affection for those you love. Ask Him to help you “shower the people you love with love” (assist from James Taylor).

Hug your husband…a lot. Hold her hand…frequently. Kiss each other…every day. Let your kids see and feel your embraces, hugs and kisses.

Don’t be afraid to put the sparkle back in your spouse’s and your eyes. Deep down, the kids will love it too.

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Guess what couple can argue while holding hands. Could this be a new therapy? Watch to find out.

Game Plan: 

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9, ESV

Time Out:

Perseverance is a proven path to positive outcomes.

Consider what “doing good” in marriage looks like:

  • Commitment when it’s hardest.
  • Kindness when you disagree.
  • Being safe when your spouse is emotional or vulnerable with you.
  • Apologizing first.
  • Forgiving generously.
  • Getting help.
  • Working to change yourself, not your spouse.

Perseverance is a proven path to positive outcomes…especially in marriage

Go Deep:

God doesn’t grow weary of doing good for us, even though we don’t deserve it.

Let’s take His advice and do good to our spouse, every day and in many ways.

Ask God for help and choose to persevere.

Maybe it will even help to hold hands next time you get in an argument.

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How do you bug your spouse? Learn how a change, even a beep, can make marriage sweet.

Game Plan: 

“In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in God’s gift of new life. Treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered” I Peter 3:7, NLT

Time Out:

We tend to think of things our spouse does to bug us, not vice versa. In my case, there are many more things I do to bug her. What do you do that bugs your wife? What do you do that makes her stress or feel unsafe? For me it was, and still can be, how I drive. To figure it out, ask her?

Your wife’s happiness is your happiness. Give her honor. Treat her with understanding, not carelessness.

Go Deep:

Your wife’s happiness is your happiness. Give her honor. Treat her with understanding, not carelessness. Find an area that she’d love to see you change and change it. Maybe it’s giving her a quick, sweet way to warn or ask you.

A “beep” can be way better than a nag or a scolding.

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If you had just lost your wife or husband, would you concern yourself with revitalizing other people’s marriages? Watch and see a man invest in others while he faces his deepest blitz

Game Plan: 

“Behold, you are beautiful, my love;

behold, you are beautiful; your eyes are doves.

My dove, my perfect one, is the only one.” Song of Solomon 1:15, 6:9, ESV


Time Out:

Have other interests, activities or images of women taken away first place from your bride? What can you do to treasure your wife? What would make her feel cherished? What apology, appreciation and affirmation will you deliver to her?

Thank God for your wife. Refocus your life on cherishing her and making sure she feels treasured.

Go Deep:

Thank God for your wife. Refocus your life on cherishing her and making sure she feels treasured. Make a list of your wife’s beautiful attributes and write her a letter to praise, admire and thank her. Present her your note or letter this week.

(If you are single, ask God to make you ready to truly treasure and cherish a wife.)

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