If you had just lost your wife or husband, would you concern yourself with revitalizing other people’s marriages? Watch and see a man invest in others while he faces his deepest blitz

Game Plan: 

“Behold, you are beautiful, my love;

behold, you are beautiful; your eyes are doves.

My dove, my perfect one, is the only one.” Song of Solomon 1:15, 6:9, ESV


Time Out:

Have other interests, activities or images of women taken away first place from your bride? What can you do to treasure your wife? What would make her feel cherished? What apology, appreciation and affirmation will you deliver to her?

Thank God for your wife. Refocus your life on cherishing her and making sure she feels treasured.

Go Deep:

Thank God for your wife. Refocus your life on cherishing her and making sure she feels treasured. Make a list of your wife’s beautiful attributes and write her a letter to praise, admire and thank her. Present her your note or letter this week.

(If you are single, ask God to make you ready to truly treasure and cherish a wife.)

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