
prayers for guidance and wisdom, praying, men praying

5 Prayers for Guidance and Wisdom

Deep down, you know you need prayers for guidance and wisdom. It’s easy to feel like you’ve got a handle on everything in your life. Everything’s going according to plan and going your way…until it isn’t. You’re faced with a challenge you can’t overcome, maybe one you can’t even understand.

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What does the best kind of friendship look like?

I’ve often talked about the friendship gap in men and how you can remove it in your life. Real friendship for guys seems to be at an all-time low. We need to overcome the isolating influences of our technology-shaped and individualistic society. Let’s go back to the original design. What

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Why Investing in Deep Friendships is Key to Your Manhood

Here’s what I think: guys need to get shaken out of their routine. This packed, busy schedule of work, family, maybe a little tv or social media before you go to bed, doesn’t leave much, or any, time to connect with friends. When we open our eyes, we’re aware of

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how to be a better friend

How to Be a Better Friend

There isn’t much in this world better than deep friendship. It gives us happiness, good times and good health. Being a better friend is not only about having fun together, it’s also about being there for the ups and downs, while providing advice and support. It reinforces mankind’s relational nature

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letting go of ego

Why Letting Go of Your Ego Matters

It’s one of the most challenging things you’ll ever go up against. It’s even bigger and more dangerous than a blitzing safety. Even more difficult to decipher than a tricky coverage. It’s letting go of your ego. Notice how I didn’t say just “ego”? Because when people say “ego,” they

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Spiritual birth in the bible

10 Facts About Spiritual Birth in the Bible

It’s what Christians are talking about when they say they are born again. It’s what I’m talking about when I say I follow Jesus. But what is spiritual birth in the Bible?  We all know what it means to be born. We’ve all done it. We enter the world and

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Men Huddle

Unlock Deep Friendship

Build a brotherhood that chooses to live in the light and to become more like Jesus’ beloved sons of our heavenly Father.

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