How to receive God's blessings

How to Receive God’s Blessings in Your Life

Wondering how to receive God’s blessings? You’ve already received more than you even realize. A blessing is any kindness, mercy or good thing that comes from God. 


God can give you everything you need and more to share with others, the Apostle Paul tells the church in Corinth. But it’s not always the blessing you expect, and it’s not simply the next thing you want in life. It’s according to God’s will—and so much better for it!


Now that we know what they are, let’s look at how to receive God’s blessings. 


How to Receive God’s Blessings.


1. Receive your identity from God.

Bill Walsh was the head coach of the 49ers when I played for them in 1986. One of his great skills was helping his players overcome self-doubt and play up to a potential they didn’t know they had. Together, Bill and I would watch my film, the “Good Jeff” plays and the “Bad Jeff” plays. 


Importantly, he defined me by my “Good Jeff” plays without ignoring the bad. That affirmative distinction gave me the confidence to step up my game in leadership and execution to become the better player I could be. 


God does the same thing for us by calling us his sons. That is your real identity—you don’t have to earn anything else. And when you learn to listen closely, He also calls you what you can become. 


In Judges, Gideon is a young, poor Israelite who has been hiding from the oppressive Midianites for seven years. But the angel of the Lord visits him and calls him a “great warrior” and a “mighty man of valor.” It’s not who he is yet, but the man he will become.


God sees the entire story and blesses you with the identity, vision and confidence to become who you were meant to be. 


Practical tip on how to receive God’s blessings: Pray to God and call Him “dad.” Let Him tell you who you are to Him and how He feels about you.



2. Receive your purpose.

Your perfect Heavenly Father wants to bless you. It’s God’s will to give you all kinds of blessings: healing, forgiveness, understanding, freedom from sin…the list is infinite. 


One of the most rewarding things He gives is a specific mission. According to a men’s survey, 50% of respondents say that a lack of purpose causes them significant stress. 


God blesses you with certain traits, passions and gifts. You’re meant to use them and carry out God’s will and benefit others. For Gideon, it was to free his people from the Midianite’s rule using his ingenuity. For me, it’s to inspire families and men to work as a team to lift each other up and thrive. 


Practical tip on how to receive God’s blessings: Ask God how He can use your gifts to benefit others. Where is that sweet spot of what God needs and what you can offer? 



3. Receive the blessings of God’s work.

In John 15:5, Jesus tells us “I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.” 


This verse shows us one of the most important aspects of how to receive God’s blessings. It’s not a one-time “reception,” if you will. The act of receiving makes up your daily relationship, one that you invest time, care and attention into. 


But it’s also a promise from God. If we do receive God’s blessings every day, we will bear his fruit. 


You’ll see God’s blessings everywhere—in the improvement of your relationships with your wife, children and friends. You could see this transformation yield results in your spiritual growth. And you’ll see how God has used you to become a blessing to others—that is one of the most powerful blessings of all. 


Practical tip on how to receive God’s blessings: Set aside time every day to be with God and receive his blessings. You’ll begin to appreciate all the blessings He’s already given you even more and see opportunities to pass your blessing onto others. 


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