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What do you face that is a lot harder than you expected? Watch Tim’s story and remember what is crucial in life: You are the only father or mother your child will ever have. You can deliver your love no matter the barrier. Game Plan: “Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, […]

Did someone tick you off recently? Are you still limping from a wound by a friend or family member? This story will help you choose a path forward that is better for them, and way better for you. Game Plan: “See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good […]

Wouldn’t it be great to feel no pain? Think again. Pain is an important signal. To avoid it is impossible. To ignore it is unwise. To face it as a catalyst to becoming a better person is the only way to gain from pain. Gameplan: “For our earthly fathers disciplined us for a few years, […]

Sometimes the pain in this life is so great that only an eternal perspective can heal. Today’s zeitgeist is “have it all…here and now”. But, in reality, we are not just bodies; we are souls with bodies. We will live forever with God, or live forever without Him. Gameplan: But now that their father was […]

What happens on the night you get fired? Does everyone go quiet? Does someone pray at dinner? Is it desperate? Or, does a child talk to God in innocent faith? Gameplan: I assure you and most solemnly say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God [with faith and humility] like a child […]

The NFL Network recently ran “A FOOTBALL LIFE” on Steve Largent. Besides his dad leaving his family when he was six, the deepest blitz he ever faced was the early days of his son Kramer’s birth defect. It deeply shaped Steve for good. Let’s see how we can grow. Gameplan: I know how to be […]

What are the most trying things you’ve been through? Did you mostly go through it alone, or with help? What will happen next time you go through a big blitz, or a friend does? Gameplan: Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks he is something, when he […]

If there were no fire department, and you drove through a neighborhood with a home on fire, would you gather people to fight the fire?  The answer depends upon our sense of responsibility to help others, and upon our mindset to tackle problems rather than observe them. Gameplan: Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill […]

Do you know what’s often worse than bad things happening? It’s the fear of bad things happening. Sometimes we build up the gravity and horrendous nature of negative events that may happen in the future to the point that the fear is really the most damaging thing we face. Think about how the page usually […]

When a doctor says he has bad news about what they’ve found, or you learn that your spouse or child’s health is at risk, that pit-of the-stomach wrenching is natural. If you fill your self up with God’s gameplan (His word) you’ll find that God always holds every situation in His hands Gameplan: Jesus said, […]