We all strive for certainty in our lives. Beginning with aspirations, we chart our course, seeking command over our destinies. And guys especially don’t like to admit we’re lost and need help. That stereotype of the man who doesn’t ask for directions exists for a reason. (I, for one, am glad we have GPS on our phones now). Men are also trained never to give up. Never surrender. Of course, persistence and bravery are important traits, but that masculine emphasis works against us when surrendering to God. 

With God, surrendering is good. Learn how to surrender your life to God, through knowing Him, committing yourself to Him and making room for Him in your life. 

Learn How to Surrender to God

1. Realize that God has a better way

It’s not easy to surrender your identity, dreams, ambitions and control of your life. The world would tell you that this is all you have. As Romans 12:2 says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” 

If you’re a Christian, you’ve realized that God has given you a better way. Your self-worth doesn’t have to be tied to whether you achieve everything you dreamt up. You don’t have to worry about dying because Jesus sacrificed Himself to give you everlasting life. 

2. Commit your life to Christ

Jesus doesn’t sugarcoat it. If you want to follow His better way, you have to surrender to Him. In Luke 9:23, He says, “If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. What profit is there for one to gain the whole world yet lose or forfeit himself?”

If you haven’t committed yourself to Christ yet, I encourage you to do that today. It will change your life. But the surrendering isn’t over for us believers, just because we’ve committed ourselves to Christ. We must remember to “deny ourselves” daily, surrendering what we want for what really matters. 

3. Ask God what you need to surrender to Him

This is a really practical exercise to regularly bring into your prayer time with Jesus—because it’s easy to say and think you’ve surrendered yourself to God without realizing there are things you’re holding onto. Here’s a totally, non-exhaustive list of things that you (and I) might need help surrendering to God. 

  • Identity and ego
  • Bitterness, jealousy, grudges or regret
  • Your dreams
  • Trust in yourself
  • The lies you tell yourself 
  • Need for control 
  • Your sin 
  • You pride

Take this list and pray to God, asking Him to fill you with the Holy Spirit, whose transformative power will help you let go. You’ll be amazed. Sometimes what seems to be the most trivial things can be the clues to pride and need for control.

4. Receive blessings from God

Surrender is not about losing. It’s giving up everything to make room for God to make your life full of meaning and joy. As Paul explains in Galatians 2:20, “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by the faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

When you surrender, God can work through you, bringing the fruits of the spirit to your life—better relationships and peace. You receive your true identity as a son of God, eliminating the pressure to achieve dreams or be successful. You realize that surrendering is not a vulnerable act. It’s the safest thing you can do. 

5. Look to Jesus who surrendered everything to God

Whenever you need support, you can look at the perfect example that Jesus laid out for us during His time as a man on earth. Jesus surrendered His status to God as Philippians 2:6-7 describes: “Who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant being made in human likeness.” 

In the end, He surrendered everything. As verse 8 concludes. “He humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!” You know the best part? You don’t have to simply study His life and hope. You can pray to Jesus every day and He offers guidance and wisdom as you surrender to God. 


Start finding your identity in Christ. It can start with you and a 2-3 deep friends. Download the Playbook for Level 5 Friendship to learn how.

5 Steps to Overcoming Shame 

Does it ever feel like shame is ruining your life? It can be this big oppressive thing that weighs you down. But believe me, you can overcome shame if you follow the Bible’s guidance. 

How to Overcome Shame 

Based on my own personal experience and helping other men overcome shame, God has revealed a pattern that takes us out of the shadows of shame and into the light of accountability and change. 

1. Confess your sins to God and others

When we mess up, we have to confess our sins to God to seek forgiveness from Him, as well as confess our sins to those we hurt. Overcoming shame through him gives us a path that we can use to be set free. As Matthew 5:23-24 says, “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.” God doesn’t want us to live in shame. He wants us to be reconciled with Him and with those around us. 

The Bible also tells us about the healing power of confessing our sins to one another. James 5:16 tells us, “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

This act of confessing to a “righteous person” can be such a powerful influence in your life, especially if it is a close friend who knows you and will check in on you and help keep you accountable.

2. Accept God’s forgiveness          

Sometimes we are so focused on our own mistakes that we aren’t able to accept God’s forgiveness in our lives . Remember that God’s love for us is unconditional and, as a believer, our sins have been paid for. As John 1:9 tells us, “If we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Overcoming Shame can be done and through God!

3. Realize that shame is one of the devil’s biggest weapons

You might think shame is just the normal response for messing up. But it’s not. Shame is not helpful. It’s a curse that makes your mistakes linger in your mind, changing how you think of yourself long after the consequences. The devil uses it to make you feel like you are a bad, worthless person and there’s nothing you could do to change or earn God’s forgiveness.

4. Remember that Jesus does not expect perfection

Jesus came down to earth. He was God in a human body. His standard of perfection is beyond your reach, and mine, but His forgiveness, friendship and encouragement are not. The devil’s shame says, “You are bad. You are guilty and hopeless.” God’s conviction says, “You did bad. You fall short, but with me you can get back on track.”

Remember, we’re not striving for “Junior Jesus Perfection” status in hopes that we can impress God into giving us a break or a bonus. As men, we are already loved by our Father God who has offered us both a Savior and a brother in Jesus.

5. Take an honest look in the mirror

If we’re going to overcome shame, that starts by answering some tough questions, like: What really controls me? What do I turn to when I’m bored, hungry, tired, stressed, discouraged, angry, or ashamed? Why do I hide secret parts of my life?

When we do things that feel wrong to us, we experience guilt. Our conscience is God’s helpful signal that we’re off-track. We can respond by confessing, seeking God’s mercy, and receiving His grace to correct our course. We move out of the shadows of secrecy into the light of truth. While guilt can call us toward God’s kindness, the devil is quick to twist it into shame, which fuels lies, secrecy and isolation. So stay vigilant and remember who you really are. 

That’s the real point of looking in the mirror. Remember that you are a son of God, and through Him, you can experience transformational change when you receive that truth every day.


Are you ready to overcome shame? Do you want to create a group of friends who are committed to transparency and accountability? Discover how to with the Playbook for Level 5 Friendship. 

The Bible tells us the many ways God relates to us. Some emphasize God as a Creator, others as a protector or a heavenly Father. God also wants to be your friend. Men need friendship with Jesus in order to become the men, fathers and husbands He created them to be.


First, I want to paint to paint a picture of a friend. It might seem a little silly, but the Merriam-Webster definition feels a little flat to me. It calls a friend “a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection.”


Sure, that might be some “friends,” but it doesn’t get to the heart of what I’m talking about, or what God wants. I’m talking about a true friend. Someone you can be yourself around, someone who’s always there for you, someone who you share everything with as you go through life together. 


3 Reasons Why You Need Friendship with Jesus

1. God desires friendship with you.

How much does God want a friendship with you? He did the unthinkable to make it happen. He sent his son Jesus to earth as a man who sacrificed His life to restore humanity’s personal relationship with God—no longer needing a sacrifice or priest to speak on our behalf. We please God when we do what He desires and pursue a friendship with Jesus. 


2. Friendship with Jesus creates accountability.

A great friend will help you raise your standard of manhood by telling when you’re out of line and supporting you to become a better person. It’s the same for friends of Jesus. In John 15:4, Jesus tells his disciples, “You are my friends if you do what I command you.” To be a true friend of Jesus, we have to raise our game and follow the example He set—and apologize when we don’t meet it. When we do, Jesus is there to forgive, instruct and support. Think of Peter. Even after he forsook Jesus three times, he was reconciled with Him and was “the rock” Jesus built the church on. 


3. Friendship with Jesus adds SO much to our lives.

It’s impossible to overstate its effects. Jesus is the perfect friend, providing love, comfort, assurances and encouragement. He treats us like a friend by teaching and showing us things about spiritual life. In John 15:15, He says, “I do not call you servants any longer, because the servant does not know what the master is doing; but I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father.” When you are friends with Jesus, your earthly ambitions fall away. You’ll start to feel secure and at peace, while Jesus shows you how to use your talents and abilities to further His Kingdom. 


How to Build Friendship With Jesus

  • Spend time with Jesus one-on-one. Just like the best friendships, you need to have time with together to build a personal, intimate friendship. Set aside time every day to speak and, importantly, listen to Jesus.
  • Study His Word. Read the Bible so you know what Jesus expects of us, so you can obey Him. 
  • Spend time with Jesus with your friends. Invite Jesus to spend time with you and your close friends. Let Him bring you closer than ever before as you follow His perfect example. Not sure how to start? Download the Playbook For Level 5 Friendship.


Deep down, you know you need prayers for guidance and wisdom. It’s easy to feel like you’ve got a handle on everything in your life. Everything’s going according to plan and going your way…until it isn’t. You’re faced with a challenge you can’t overcome, maybe one you can’t even understand. Maybe you feel depressed or uncertain, or maybe you just know you need to be more godly. 

I’ve felt that way. It reminds me of broken plays on the football field when my offensive line would let a guy through, a receiver would run the wrong route, or I’d just plain missed my read and the window that was there was now closed. I’d take off, scrambling for my life and hoping for a receiver to flash open. As bad as it could be, there was always the next play, the next series, the next game or the next season. 

But it’s much harder in real life. There seems to be no next play, no reset. You need prayers for guidance so you can know what to do or prayers for wisdom to understand your situation better and be at peace with it. 


Some Wisdom and Guidance God Has Given Me

You are not alone.

You’re doing something right already if you’re reading this and looking for prayers on guidance and wisdom. God assures us that He is our rock, always there with us, even when we are fearful and alone or full of doubt and uncertainty. Just as Jesus showed us in the Mount of Olives, we should call out to God when we’re in our moment of need.

God answers in many ways.

When we say prayer for guidance and wisdom, we must be open to listening for His answers in all of the forms that God speaks to us in. It could be a solution that wasn’t apparent before or God-given peace and understanding surrounding the matters that trouble you. It could be God speaking or working through a friend of yours. That’s why it’s so important to have times of reflection and journaling to hear and record everything that God is telling you. 

Remember to be open and patient.

You are a son or daughter of God speaking to your Creator. It is an act of surrender to let God lead the way. It might not come how you expect it or on your timeline, but it is a part of your story and God’s story. 

Reach out to others.  

The Bible tells us that “where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them” (Matt. 18:20). Leaning on good male friends for strength and intentionally inviting God to be there with you is a powerful way to find peace and understanding. Your friends can share their unique perspectives or similar experiences, all with the presence of God guiding you. 


5 Prayers for Guidance and Wisdom

1. A prayer for learning God’s ways: “Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” (Psalm 25:4-5)


2. God’s promise for those seeking wisdom: “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” (James 1:5)


3. Commit yourself to placing your trust in God: “I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” (Psalm 16:7-8)


4. A reminder that you don’t have the answers (or need to), but God does: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)


5. God’s promise to instruct and counsel us: “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you.” (Psalm 32:8-9)


Make Prayer a Part of Your Life—With Friends.

Make praying for guidance and wisdom a part of your everyday life with a group of guys committed to getting closer to God. Download the Playbook for Level 5 Friendship to get started.

From a young age, the world tells us men that we have to keep growing to earn our manhood—our muscles, our bank account, our dating history. Other, smarter voices tell us to grow our character and become better husbands, fathers, and friends. But without learning how to grow spiritually, all this important work is unsustainable. 


Spiritual growth is the act of inviting Jesus into your life and becoming more like Him. Recently, I wrote about the journey of spiritual transformation that men need. Today, though, I want to provide practical tips on how to grow spiritually. 


Because far too often, people talk about it in nebulous terms when, really, it should be the most concrete thing in your life. So, here are 15 tips for unlocking spiritual growth in men, broken out into three major categories.


Invite Spiritual Growth Into Your Life.

Even though I grew up in a Christian household, I remember when I truly decided to live for God. It came at the end of college when I thought I had everything I wanted—friends, girlfriends, and a shot at an NFL career. Still, I was insecure and unhappy. Thankfully, God was tracking me down. Suddenly, making my purpose to live for him made a whole lot of sense. If you haven’t yet started your journey of spiritual growth, I encourage you to begin immediately.

  1. Clear away any previous conceptions that you have of God, and let Him show you who He really is. 
  2. Tell Jesus you believe He is the Son of God. 
  3. Thank Him for dying for your sins and ask Him to fill you with the Holy Spirit.
  4. Commit to following Him for the rest of your life.
  5. Find a local community of believers to join.


Receive From God.

Once you’ve accepted Christ into your life, you can grow spiritually by receiving from God. Receiving might sound like a passive thing, but it’s not. I like to compare it to making a reception in football. I got to play with legends like Jerry Rice and Steve Largent. They both tirelessly practiced eying the ball with great focus, snagging and tucking it away with a vice grip so no one could knock it loose. It’s the same way you should approach your receiving.

  1. Be intentional. Set up a private space to be with God and receive your identity as His son
  2. Study Jesus’s life and apply His relationship with the Father to your own.
  3. Write down your questions, fears and struggles. Expect to see His answer and healing eventually.
  4. Pray from Jesus’ pattern of prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) and ask Him who you should pray for.
  5. Thank Him for everything He’s given you. 


Bring God Into Your Daily Life and Relationships. 

Even though we need to spend time alone with God, spiritual growth in men is not a private thing. Use the power of a team to catalyze spiritual growth by bringing Him into every moment of the day and inviting Him to change your relationships. This is where you really start to see the fruits of your progress. You might find that you have more patience, grace, and forgiveness.   

  1. Pause and pray spontaneously throughout the day, alone or with someone if they’re open or need it. 
  2. Find someone who has been where you are now to mentor you in your spiritual journey. 
  3. Make a commitment to a friend or a few close friends to meet every week and help each other become more like Christ. 
  4. Serve your wife and children the way Jesus served his disciples. When you focus on what you can give instead of want you need, you’ll be amazed at the joy and depth it will bring to your life.
  5. Give back by sharing your journey of spiritual growth with others. 


Spiritual growth in men is not just possible—it’s what God asks from us. The good news? No one is perfect. But Jesus is, and He’ll be with you every step of the way.


Build Deeper Friendship with MenHuddle.

If you’re looking to deepen friendship and mutual mentoring, check out the PLAYBOOK FOR LEVEL 5 FRIENDSHIP—a guide that will help you connect with other men in a meaningful way and catalyze spiritual growth in each other’s lives.

God asks every man to go on an epic journey with him. It’s a beautiful and difficult one, filled with obstacles that demand spiritual growth to overcome. Deep down, most people know they were meant to take such a journey. 74% of U.S. adults say they want to grow spiritually, according to a recent Barna survey. 


So, What is Spiritual Growth?

It’s the process of making yourself more like Jesus—turning away from what you want and being how Jesus was and wants you to be. 

Like any great adventure, spirits are high at the outset. Then we slip up. We get stuck. You might have good days, followed by bad ones. You think, “How do I know if I’m growing spiritually at all?” 

You’re not alone. Thousands of men have told me they feel the same way. I’ve also witnessed the way spiritual transformation takes place. Not only in my own life but in the lives of mentors and the men I’ve talked to about spiritual growth. 

I’ve found that we often can’t see spiritual growth until we’ve traveled long enough to understand our story and the spiritual seasons in it. 


4 Seasons of Spiritual Growth

My friend and mentor Robert Lewis has coached countless men to help them understand the seasons of growing spiritually. Metaphorically speaking, it starts in the winter of a man’s life.


1. Struggle

This is when we try things on our own, wrestle with insecurities, and try to position ourselves to win and feel good. We slip, slide, and crash. We can’t see the sun. It’s a hard season but very important.  If we move past it, it’s only because we’ve humbled ourselves. Plus, we’ve made ourselves vulnerable enough to talk about it, so we can later bond with others and positively impact them. Because we all struggle. 


2. Surrender

When we surrender our life, and take Jesus as our purpose, we move out of the bitter winter of Struggle and into the refreshing spring of Surrender. It’s often a time of rejuvenation, of seeing ourselves and our purpose with clarity. The ego-driven self-image fades away and you receive your identity as God’s son. 

Instead of thinking we have it all figured out, we turn to Jesus and mentors. We discover grace and follow God, receiving His unconditional love and guidance.


3. Significance

Then comes Significance. God has led us to our unique mission in relation to His purpose. We learn that spiritual growth is not a solo act. Our talents, passions, and story are repurposed to benefit the lives of others. We start making our part of the world better. Like an abundant summer, he produces good character in us and good fruit in our lives. 

“I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5). 

Unlike the un-productive Struggle, our efforts bring growth and goodness with God. He has transformed us into men who live for others.


4. Satisfaction & Sharing

Our spiritual growth is never finished. But in the season of Satisfaction and Sharing, we are mature, grateful, and focused on others. God has rewritten our worst chapters. Now, it’s time to share our story to raise a new generation. This is mentoring and giving back. Like a perfect fall season, we gratefully share a full harvest with family, those in need, and tomorrow’s leaders. 

Try to take a step back and understand how God is leading you on a path of transformation and spiritual growth. What season are you in? Are you able to better understand how you are growing spiritually? 


Build Deeper Connections with MenHuddle.

If you’re looking to find a mentor or become one, check out the LEVEL 5 FRIENDSHIP PLAYBOOK—a guide that will help you connect with other men in a meaningful way and catalyze spiritual growth in each other’s lives.