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I know you’re busy. Most of us are. We have all sorts of stuff going. Some of us have a business phone full of too many emails and texts as well. Some of us are busy traveling. Most of us check a steady stream of social feeds—Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook—rinse…recycle…repeat. Maybe you’re the guy who enjoys […]

overcome depression

First off, I want to say I’m sorry that you or someone you love has to overcome depression. It’s one of those invisible things that no one else can truly see in its entirety and affects everyone differently. Depression can feel like a heavy fog, a stressful daily attack, or an overwhelming burden. No matter […]

male friendships

Men are going through a blitz right now—and they need male friendships to turn the obstacles into growth. For years, technology has been growing all around us, encroaching on our lives and building walls of isolation. It certainly didn’t help when the pandemic arrived, further cutting people off from others and their communities.  Both men […]

self isolation

A man can find himself in a season of self-isolation when he’s without someone to turn to. Some men start self-isolating because they are afraid to be real and show people their insecurities, while others let pride raise them above the reproach of anyone, living on their own self-righteous pedestal. Some have lost hope for […]

how to remove fear from mind and heart

Fear is uncomfortable, isn’t it? It can mess up our relationships and our ability to carry out our purpose in life. Any man who says he doesn’t feel fear is a big faker. The trick isn’t about never feeling fear again, but learning how to remove fear from your heart and mind.  I know all […]

Jesus is the only way to the father

Brother, I have some great news for you: Jesus is the only way to the Father. Now, that might sound restrictive to some. In reality, it radically opens up human understanding beyond what’s otherwise possible, invites you into a life full of meaning, and guarantees your salvation.      “Jesus is the only way to the […]

stop being insecure

Men don’t like to talk about it, but we face all kinds of insecurities. They fill our lives with anxiety, or we burn out trying to overcome them. Great news! You can learn how to stop being insecure and enjoy the freedom it brings. You don’t have to live this way.  5 Steps to Stop […]

fruit of the spirit

How important are the 9 Fruits of the Spirit? Consider two types of teams… For the winning team, it’s easy for all the players to gel. Mistakes are met with, “It’s okay. You’ll get it next time.” You celebrate each other’s accomplishments even if you’re having an off day. And you’ll do anything—sacrificing your own […]

What Does it Mean to Make Disciples

Did you know that you’re called to make disciples? What does it mean to make disciples, and how do you do it?   Sounds like a huge task, doesn’t it?    Now, imagine you’re one of the apostles standing before Jesus after He’s risen from the dead and gives you this mission: “Go and make […]

How to receive God's blessings

Wondering how to receive God’s blessings? You’ve already received more than you even realize. A blessing is any kindness, mercy or good thing that comes from God.    God can give you everything you need and more to share with others, the Apostle Paul tells the church in Corinth. But it’s not always the blessing […]