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men together; men retreat

How to Make the Most of Your Story Retreat Posted by Regi Campbell on March 12, 2024 The Story Retreat is one of the most important and crucial times your mentoring group will spend together. It will kickstart your mentoring group, allowing your mentees to make deep connections fast. After you share your story at the first meeting, […]

praying man; removing pride

We guys have a pride issue and it crops up in all kinds of ways. Luckily, God offers grace when we give up our prideful ways and Jesus gives us the perfect example of how to give it up and learn the ways of removing pride. Our culture promotes pride. Why give it up? Show […]

man praying;surrender to god

We all strive for certainty in our lives. Beginning with aspirations, we chart our course, seeking command over our destinies. And guys especially don’t like to admit we’re lost and need help. That stereotype of the man who doesn’t ask for directions exists for a reason. (I, for one, am glad we have GPS on […]

man feels shame;overcoming shame

5 Steps to Overcoming Shame  Does it ever feel like shame is ruining your life? It can be this big oppressive thing that weighs you down. But believe me, you can overcome shame if you follow the Bible’s guidance.  How to Overcome Shame  Based on my own personal experience and helping other men overcome shame, […]

man sad; healing father wounds

Our dads have a huge impact on our lives—for good and sometimes for worse. Whether you had an affirming dad, a neglectful dad or even an abusive dad, everyone grows up with some deficiency because of their dad. Why? Because no dad is perfect.  As we mature, our father wounds can create insecurity, making us […]

man looking for purpose; knowing God's Will

When I was a senior in college, I thought I had it all figured out. I was the starting quarterback, I was popular, and I had a good chance of making an NFL team. In the weeks before graduating, I was partying and drinking. I became aware that I was lost and didn’t know God’s […]

Scripture, Jesus, Friendship with Jesus

The Bible tells us the many ways God relates to us. Some emphasize God as a Creator, others as a protector or a heavenly Father. God also wants to be your friend. Men need friendship with Jesus in order to become the men, fathers and husbands He created them to be.   First, I want […]

personal reflection; forgiveness of sins; will god forgive me

Sometimes we really mess up and feel bad for what we’ve done. Wondering if God will forgive you can weigh heavily on one’s heart. It’s an important question, and its answer has a huge impact on every individual’s life on earth and the more important, eternal one.   What is Guilt? We all fall short […]

Bless others; men coaching men, how to bless others

We live in a self-centered, me-focused culture. Men especially are told to get the most out of life, make their money go further, and use their networks to get a better job. The fact that you’re looking for how to bless others shows that you realize it’s all about giving.   Why should we learn […]

financial blessings; managing money; God financial blessings

You wouldn’t be the first person to wonder why God hasn’t sent lump sums of financial blessings. When we ask for something, it’s easy to be confused when we don’t receive it because we know God loves us more than we could possibly understand. A blessing is any kindness, mercy, or good thing that comes […]