
Dive into our free content that will empower you to find deeper friendship and meaning in your walk with Jesus.

How to grow spiritually

From a young age, the world tells us men that we have to keep growing to earn our manhood—our muscles, our bank account, our dating history. Other, smarter voices tell us to grow our character and become better husbands, fathers, and friends. But without learning how to grow spiritually, all this important work is unsustainable.  […]

Christian Men's Group
Once you’ve been a part of a good Christian men’s group, you realize there’s nothing else like it in our culture. Some are Bible studies for men; others are Christian groups based around a shared interest, like fishing or football. At the end of the day, it’s as simple as getting a group of guys together, what I call a Men’s Huddle,” and allowing yourselves to open up to each other and spend time with God.  You might think, “That sounds great, Jeff, but I have a job and a family. I go to Church. I don’t have time for a men’s group.” Ok, I hear you. Let me give you five reasons you need a Christian men’s group in your life.   

Men need to break out of their isolation.

Our culture keeps us busy and working toward what we don’t yet have. Even if you have a picture-perfect family life, you need friends. You probably miss spending time with a group of guys, like you did in school or on a team. If you feel lonely, you’re not alone. One in three men suffer from loneliness, and it’s taking years off their lives.  By simply putting yourself out there and joining a men’s group, you’re addressing a big issue that many men don’t realize is eating away at them.   

Men need a place to be authentic.

Men don’t try to break out of isolation because they’ve been conditioned not to admit fault or show weakness. But being vulnerable strengthens us.  A solid Christian men’s group allows you to be your authentic self without fear of being deemed weak or judged for your faults. You won’t believe the burden that’s lifted when you experience this kind of support.   

Men need deep friendships. 

By opening yourself up to a small men’s group, you build stronger bonds with your fellow members than you could anywhere else.  Some of the best Christian men’s groups consist of a handful of close friends who have made the intentional choice to be there for each other, commit themselves to consistent meetings and deepen their friendships. You’re not just a men’s group anymore. You’re a brotherhood going through life together.   

Men need accountability. 

We all have secret thoughts and behaviors that we hide from others—partly out of pride and partly out of shame (two of Satan’s most destructive tools).  But once you have a group who you can trust to be open with, you can shine a light on the things you’ve allowed to grow in the darkness. You don’t have to deal with it all by yourself anymore—such a weight is lifted! This accountability will sustain you through the worst of life’s blitzes—what I call those times of great challenges that provide opportunities for great growth.  

Most of all, men need to be like Jesus

—and need other men in their lives to encourage them and show them how. Jesus is the main focus of a transformative Christian men’s group. A team of like-minded believers is one of the keys to unlocking spiritual growth.  Not only will you spend time studying His Word and perfect example—He’ll also be a part of it as you pray to Him. Jesus had His own men’s group during His life as a man on earth. And, with His disciples, Jesus modeled His perfect solution to all the needs listed above.  He brought them out of their busy lives into a group with the most important mission of all time—to bring salvation to humanity. He fostered a group of authenticity, deep friendship, and accountability. And He taught them how to be a son to their Heavenly Father and encouraged them every day.   

Build Deeper Friendship with MenHuddle.

If you’re looking to deepen friendship and mutual mentoring, check out the PLAYBOOK FOR LEVEL 5 FRIENDSHIP—a guide that will help you connect with other men in a meaningful way and catalyze spiritual growth in each other’s lives.
true friend

What is a true friend? A true friend is someone who’s always there for you. He gives you unconditional support and helps you see who you really are. He holds you accountable and always encourages you, building you up to be the man you were meant to be.  Where do I get that picture of […]

deep friendship

How are we lonelier than ever when we can count all the friends we’ve made over the years on Facebook? Recently, 60% of Americans report that they feel lonely on a pretty regular basis.    Some have a hard time finding friends in adulthood. Others have no shortage of friends, but still long for a […]

spiritual growth, Jeff Kemp Team

God asks every man to go on an epic journey with him. It’s a beautiful and difficult one, filled with obstacles that demand spiritual growth to overcome. Deep down, most people know they were meant to take such a journey. 74% of U.S. adults say they want to grow spiritually, according to a recent Barna […]

how to find friends

We’re taught how to do a lot of things growing up. How to tie your shoes, ride a bike and throw a football… But were you ever taught how to find friends?  Nowadays, people are feeling more isolated than ever. A striking 76% of men “don’t have a close and trusted friend they can share […]

Do you think a lot about yourself and the plans you have for yourself? You need some UBUNTU. Game Plan: “For [together] we are God’s masterpiece [a plural identity of complementary togetherness]. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10, […]

Can something “bad” turn out good for other people? Check out the answer in the life of a guy who got attacked, arrested and falsely imprisoned. Game Plan: “Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that my circumstances have turned out for the greater progress of the gospel, so that my imprisonment in the cause of Christ has […]

Steve Largent’s in the Hall of Fame, but this reconciliation stands taller. Watch how apology leads forgiveness. Game Plan:  “And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:24, ESV Time Out: Holding on to unforgiveness and bitterness has been likened to “drinking poison and expecting the other person to […]

Please watch this story. It’s so familiar we easily miss the fact that it is the epic event of human history…and it can change everything about how we live. Game Plan:  “For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, […]