
Dive into our free content that will empower you to find deeper friendship and meaning in your walk with Jesus.

Quote: “Winning is definitely a vital goal in it’s right place. But, I’m pretty sure it’s not the ‘only thing,’ as Vince Lombardi once declared. Doesn’t it feel good to have someone hug you, to affirm you, to love you regardless of whether you have won or lost—to value you for who you are and […]

This week we have a treat…special guest and former Major League pitcher Jose Alvarez shares some challenges he’s faced in life and how he had to face that blitz in order to turn his trial into a triumph.  Quote: “To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in […]

Quote: I always thought like a starter, and prepared myself like a starter, although more often than not I was on the sidelines. When I was on the sidelines I understood I was a backup, but the minute I was in the game, I became the starter. In the same way, everyone is a leader […]

Quote: When it comes to your marriage (or your approach to relationships and dating), are you a casual consumer or a committed investor? Are you focused on yourself and what you deserve and want, or are you focused on the other person’s needs and wishes? —Facing the Blitz, Strategy #3: Reach out to Others   […]

Quote: “Some people can deliver truth, but do so with no love or grace or respect…Many people can give kindness, grace, and affirmation, but they can’t fully deliver what is best for others because they can’t present the truth. Great leadership…true leadership…does both.” – Facing the Blitz, Strategy #3: Reach out to Others   The […]

  Quote: “I can live for two months on a good compliment.”  – Mark Twain Strategy #3: Reach Out to Others from Facing the Blitz   The Playbook:   Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or […]

Quote: “My father always gave me the vision that any situation can be improved. Any problem can be overcome. Any goal can be accomplished. Any blitz can be beaten. Any trial can bring deeper meaning or growth. We can change. That’s LIFT—“Life Is For Transformation.” —Facing the Blitz, Strategy #3: Reach out to Others The […]

My wife and I organized a cool backyard birthday party for our 5 year old son Kolby. I ran all the outdoor games and relay races. I had them crawling under army camouflage netting, flopping over hammocks and running around obstacles. It was serious boy fun. About half way thru the party though, I had […]

Most all of us have a father wound of some sort or another, especially in our society with so many missing dads and fragmented families. Admitting that pain is the first step to moving past it. As soon as we do that, we can do something about it. I learned a lot about this from […]

We never went to the Super Bowl when I was on the Seattle Seahawks. Years after I retired they made their first trip to the Super Bowl. And I made it a special father-son trip for my 3rd son Kolby and me. We jumped on a United flight to Detroit and pretty soon were fascinated […]